Do you have a PODCAST?* is now offering podcast hosting.
Show hosting includes a Home Page** for your show which can be linked to your Domain Name (registered separately), Episode Pages, Host Bios, and blog-style Links for each episode. Your podcast can then be registered with iTunes, Stitcher or any other podcast distribution service with our XML feed.
* Note that this is not a large business operation. This means some frills of an established hosting network might not be available, but it also means that any issues will be responded to personally!
** Go to to see a live example.
- Hosting One Podcast (includes everything below): $5/month
- Hosting Additional Podcasts: +$3/month
- Recording a Podcast Episode (Los Angeles Area only): $30 (up to 2 hours)
- Editing a Podcast Episode: $50 (up to 90 minute episode)
How it works:
Design your podcast page on our server by uploading a few branded images and a description of your podcast, plus bios of all hosts and producers.
Register a Domain Name with Register, 1 and 1, Godaddy or any Domain Name Registration site and point the DNS settings to our server. You don't need your own Domain Name, but you probably should have one.
Let iTunes, Stitcher and any other podcast players know about your show by giving them the feed address of your podcast (you will get this when you create the show page on our server). Here are the links for iTunes and Stitcher.
Optionally create Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts for your show and link your page to those accounts. Subscribe, Like and Share buttons will appear on all of your web pages so you and your fans can easily share your content.
Record episodes of your podcast on your own (or contact me to help you record) and upload each mp3 to your show page from home. Add a name, description and optionally an image for each episode.
Optionally add links, images or additional blog entries associated with each episode. Each entry has an image, title and text, and they're all collected into a blog-style list of links for the podcast.
What you get:
Home Page for the podcast with branded images, description of the podcast, social media share links, social media profile links, list of credits for hosts and producers, list of episodes and list of associated links
Bio Pages of Hosts and Producers for everyone involved in your podcast including Headshot, Bio Text and Links to Social Media.
Episode Page for each episode with title and description for the episode, built in audio player, list of links for episode and social media buttons.
Collected Page of Links from every episode. Each link has an image, title and text.
iTunes and Stitcher feed are automatically updated when you add an episode.
Optionally you can design one free Ad image that will be advertised on other show pages on the network.
Personal Support, Troubleshooting and Feature Requests taken by me, Dave. This is a very small and new operation, so it's not 100% guaranteed to be completely bug-free, but I will respond to every problem personally. Email me