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Hell Kross - American World Tour

Hell Kross - American World Tour
Hell Kross is going on tour, and you're coming with us!

Ever wanted to know what life is like for a touring band on the road? Get on the bus ya dingbats. Hell Kross is going on tour, and you're coming with us! "Hell Kross - American World Tour"!
On YouTube, Instagram TV, and PorbHub!

Keywords: heavy metal, satan, music, hard rock, punk, tour bus, concert

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Hell Kross - American World Tour
Road Games

In the first episode of HELL KROSS: AMERICAN WORLD TOUR, the band fight off boredom with a road game that proves more challenging than it would seem. ...


Hell Kross - American World Tour
All Truck Drivers Are Serial Killers

Kip tells the band some real facts about the link between truck drivers and serial killers. Guest Starring Nick Gligor as Jack Skene Directed by T...


Hell Kross - American World Tour
Caught Masturbating

When you're stuck inside a small bus with three other dudes, it's hard to find a private place to do your business. Directed by Travis Draft Written ...


Hell Kross - American World Tour
Drug Dealer

The band gives their orders to a drug dealer. Directed by Travis Draft Drug Dealer: Sam Horwitz Written by and Starring Matt Hunter Jason Kaye Eva...


Hell Kross - American World Tour
Getting Audited

With a pending audit from the IRS, the band's accountant reviews some strange purchases. Directed by Travis Draft Guest starring Haley Mancini as ...



Evan Watkins

Jason Kaye

Grady Welch

Matt Hunter

Travis Draft

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